On September 3rd, 2022, WFME updated their list of “recognised” accrediting authorities.
“Recognition” of an undergraduate medical education accreditation authority is required by 2024 so that graduates of a country’s medical schools may continue to be eligible to receive “ECFMG Certification” that allows them to enter the US medical profession for work, research, or further education.

Currently Recognised Accreditation Authorities
According to the new list, some 30 authorities – representing about 57 countries/territories – have completed their process. Some agencies, like the Irish, “Accreditation Commission on Colleges of Medicine” accredit more than one territory. (In the case of the ACCM, their activities stretch across the Atlantic Ocean to certain Caribbean Islands).
The number of recognized authorities has increased by two since the WFME’s pervious list published on March 7th, 2022. The additions are the American Osteopathic Association, Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (AOA COCA) and the Grenada Medical and Dental Council (GMDC).
Accreditation Authorities Engaged in the Application Process
There are now 16 authorities currently applying for WFME recognition, representing about 20 countries/territories. The two most recent additions are the Czech Republic’s National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (NAB), and India’s National Medical Commission (NMC).
The addition of India is of huge significance to medical students from that country as many seek fellowships and/or employment in the US after graduating.
The delayed Indian application stems from the dissolution by India’s Supreme Court of the NMC’s predecessor, the Medical Council of India in September 2020. The latter faced persistent criticism for corruption and the new authority took some time to prepare for the WFME application.
The ECFMG is probably very relieved by India’s WFME application as the US relies upon a large annual influx of Indian doctors, (846 in 2020 **). These doctors make up a significant proportion of the FMGs the US needs to keep its health system running. (India is second in number only to Grenadian FMGs, who numbered 1082 in 2020.)
Notably Absent
Of notable absence from the list is the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC) which has not yet lodged an application for WFME recognition. While the number of UK graduates entering the US annually is relatively low (72 in 2020), the ineligibility of future British doctors to qualify for ECFMG Certification is worthy of attention. This is particularly unusual considering that Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic (22, 23 and 17 respectively) have considered it appropriate to apply for WFME recognition.
** Health workforce migration data extracted from OECD.stat.